MIDNIGHT GRIND is an anthology-film TV series that simultaneously exemplifies and renovates the best of various film genres, all with a gritty 16mm look and a drive-in aesthetic.
Imagine, if you will, a derelict movie theatre—the last standing structure in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Its face is sand-worn, and its lights weakly blink, each strobe one closer to darkness. On the marquee: “MIDNIGHT GRIND” in chipped black letters.
Inside we find our host: a radiation-addled projectionist (a Rod Serling / Hitchcock / Elvira / Cryptkeeper hybrid). Five millennia worth of sculptures, paintings, and literature were destroyed in the War. All that has survived of humanity's high art is our host's collection of genre films. Our host projects these films not only to keep his sanity, but to keep the light of a humorous, thoughtful, and storied humanity alive.
We currently have:
scripts for the entire first season;
partial financing;
treatments for the second, third, and fourth season;
potential distribution on Steam;
and a talented team keen on bringing it all to life.
CONTACT US for more details